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A hair transplant is a surgical procedure performed to treat hair loss or baldness. It involves taking hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the back or sides of the head (known as the donor area), and transplanting them to an area with thinning or no hair (the recipient area). Hair transplants are primarily used to address male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia, but they can also be used to treat other types of hair loss, such as hair loss resulting from injury or surgery.

Benefits of a Hair Transplant

Hair transplants offer several benefits to individuals experiencing hair loss, especially for those with male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) or other forms of permanent hair loss. Here are some of the key benefits of hair transplantation:

  •   Permanent Solution
  •   Natural-Looking Results
  •   Improved Self-Esteem
  •   Minimal Maintenance
  •   Customizable Results
  •   Permanent Solution to Baldness


After thoroughly cleaning your scalp, a surgeon uses a small needle to numb an area of your head with local anesthesia.

1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT):

The surgeon will use a scalpel to cut out a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head. The incision is typically several inches long. This is then closed with stitches.
The surgeon next separates the removed portion of scalp into small sections using a magnifying lens and sharp surgical knife. When implanted, these sections will help achieve natural-looking hair growth.

2. Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

The hair follicles are cut out directly from the back of the head through hundreds to thousands of tiny punch incisions.
The surgeon makes tiny holes with a blade or needle in the area of your scalp that’s receiving the hair transplant. They gently place hairs in these holes.

3. Combination of both ( FUT + FUE)

both procedures can be done if large area has to covered.
You may require up to two or three sessions to achieve the full head of hair you desire. Sessions occur several months apart to allow each transplant to fully heal.

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Suitable candidates for a hair transplant typically have male pattern baldness or other forms of permanent hair loss. The eligibility is determined by factors like donor hair availability and overall health.

The two primary methods are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of skin, while FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles.

Yes, a hair transplant is considered a permanent solution, as the transplanted hair continues to grow naturally in its new location.

Discomfort during and after the procedure is typically manageable with pain medication. Local anesthesia is used during the surgery to minimize pain.

The cost of a hair transplant can vary significantly based on factors like the type of procedure, the number of grafts needed, and the location of the clinic. It's advisable to obtain a consultation and a detailed quote from a specialist.